November 10, 2021
Members Present:
Justin Hollister
Genevra Knight
Caitlin Sobotka
Mary Nisi
Gabe Slough-Cummings
Joy Tennent
Lindsay Semph
Nicole Dalesandro
Joanna Miner
Andy Distel
Start: 7:35
Check In: Allyn Teti
Funding Requests
Old/Approved: Both requests were approved unanimously. Items have been ordered and are in transit
Media Works for STEAM
Got teacher discount on some items from Apple. One group of items was placed on the FOGS card with 3 others spread on separate cards
$1,200 cheaper than original budget with additional costs falling off for sales tax
Ukuleles for Andy and the music program
Used additional budget from Apple items for some items related to masking and bell covers additional items for $750
Microphone in original budget will now be purchased through school
Updated financials: after the approved purchases cash balance will be approximately $57K (Goethe Fest funds have not yet been placed in)
Need focus on fundraising to replenish funds
Flexible Seating: Was approved under the previous board with a cost of less than $1,000. Nicole will proceed with purchase pending confirmation by teachers
Chairs Update
Lindsay: LBOTS
Lindsay walked through the planner of the milestones/activities for the project
Venue search - ideas welcome
Still working through these aspects
Concord Music Hall
Stan Mansion
Segundo Ruiz
Fort Knox
Genevra to check if there was a check sent to Logan Square Auditorium for last year’s planned event
May need to anticipate the cost increasing due to Covid
Sponsorship Process - Everyone is on the team (Gabe)
Entry point for sponsorship is $100
Additional information will be in the media kit
Gabe to distribute a spreadsheet to track this
Would include a program for donorship and silent auction donations
For restaurants, not actively seeking food donations. Could receive gift cards
Caitlin: GGT (January 29th)
Sign up date will be before winter break with auditions after
Need to determine capacity and Covid considerations
Will need volunteers for auditions and events
Stage managers
Ushers (potential)
Will have a virtual option as well but need to confirm technical capabilities
Full “STEAM” Ahead for the theme
Looking for art submissions that could move to the silent auction
Will have a Merch table there as well
Ms. Bartlett has volunteered to open proceeding with a performance and be a coach
Could we have her as an MC?
Mary/Gabe: Cookbook
Additional editing is required and there are items pending for delivery.
Have a list of deliverables at this point, but pending further discussion
Plan was to use the printer that the yearbook was through
Desire is to get cookbook completed by holiday season
Gabe: Holiday Raffle
Fundraisers were approved by the LSC
Will be working with Joy to get posted to website by early December
Gabe: 125
Plan to get the write up for the website, pamphlets for families and businesses.
Go-live in December
Monthly messaging for monthly giving campaign will be a push
November 30th is Giving Tuesday
Genevra: How to get your vendors paid
Best way is to get an invoice to Genevra to process payment directly
Ideally 3-4 days notice
Other emergent items can be handled on a one off basis
Social team update
Rebecca/Gabe: Content for site
Contacting school members for content creation
New Event/Fundraising Proposals
STEAM Gala and monthly raffles (Gabe)
Tabled motion pending additional email and conversation
Dine to Donate (Joanna)
First one will occur December 8th with 33% going back to FOGS: Chipotle on Elston
Will create a posting strategy for social
8th Grade Lunch Budget - discuss options
Will leave open for teachers to decide since it was their fundraiser
Meeting end 9:20 PM