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Goethe Elementary School is a PreK-8 neighborhood school.  Goethe is a school where attitude counts, team work thrives, tolerance is expected, academic achievement is valued, effort is pursued, and nourishing the whole child is paramount. What makes Goethe unique is excellent ISAT scores, half day Kindergarten class, active parents and community members like you, the warm environment, dedicated staff and a wonderful surrounding neighborhood.


The entire Goethe school community works to support our students' education, using a comprehensive curriculum grounded in research-based instructional best practices aligned with the Illinois Teaching and Learning Standards. The staff work in grade-level teams to map curricula that is developmentally appropriate, rigorous, and balanced. The curriculum provides students with opportunities to learn and nourish creativity. Students receive differentiated instruction aligned to their learning needs regardless of level.


Goethe Elementary School 

2236 N. Rockwell
Chicago, IL 60647
(773) 534-4135


Goethe Elementary School Facts


Start time 7:45am. Dismissal 2:45pm

Recess daily for 25 minutes 

Goethe offers the RIGHT AT SCHOOL after school service until 6pm


Goethe's lunchroom serves hot meals, and students are welcomed to bring meals from home. (nut free foods)


At Goethe, all teachers are building integrated units of study with depth of knowledge in mind. The faculty is mindful of their responsibility to differentiate in order to meet the needs of all learners and provide learning that will push students thinking!


Goethe offers accelerated Math programs for grades 5-8, has a strong focus on literacy with writing workshops beginning in Kindergarten. Goethe's Science program has partnerships with the Museum of Science & Industry, Brookfield & Lincoln Park Zoos where teachers are currently studying in order to make the Science program it's absolute best. Goethe is committed to creating STEM experiences for all of its students. 


Global awareness & Social Studies is important at Goethe. Learning about the past and connecting it to the present & future is important, and Goethe has a responsibility to teach our children about the world in which we live. 




TECHNOLOGY: Goethe has a Tech lab and all K-8 students have one-to-one Chromebook laptops to work on math reading, writing, coding, keyboarding and research. 


LIBRARY: Students visit the well-stocked library weekly where they may do research, check out books and utilize the collection of ebooks 


PHYSICAL EDUCATION: Classes are one hour twice per week


MUSIC: All students have 1 hour of music each week. They play ORFF instruments, sing, dance, learn about artists as they study musicians past & present. Goethe has 3 musical assemblies each year with the culminating experience being a multicultural festival of dance & music aligned to various countries performed outdoors by K-8 students


ART: Goethe's talented art teacher Ms. Albun offers a studio art model program to all K-8 students for one hour each week


EXTRA-Carricular Activities: 


Goethe offers an awesome variety of free and paid programs such as Soccer, Basketball, Volleyball, Band, Arts & Crafts, STEM Science, Tech Club, Martial Arts, Clay Club, Math Club, Battle of the Books, Reading Clubs, Making Healthy Snacks, Girls Only Club, Games, Zumba, Girl Scouts, Brownies, Daisies, Comic Club, Sailor Moon Club, Film Club and Chicago Tutoring.


At Goethe, the student voice is important. The elected Student Council (grades 3-8) meets weekly and hosts monthly activities and annual events.  Middle school advisory meets once a week. 


If you are interested in visiting Goethe or registering your child, please contact us for more information. 




There are 6 preschool classes. These are all half-day FREE preschool classes. 


  • Learn more about Goethe's preschool including the schedule and application process and philosophy and curriculum.


kids smiling

"I had a great experience at Open House. Lively but orderly students moving from class to class, a clean and well-lit older building brimming with colorful student projects, lots of teachers/administrators interacting with kids in a very warm way – as if they clearly knew each other."

~Tamra T.


The school is named after the German philosopher Johann Goethe. You may have wondered how to pronounce his name if you aren’t familiar with it. The bus drivers says “Go-thee,” some neighbors say “Gay-thee” and some parents you’ve talked with say “Gurta.” What gives? We don’t have an explanation for the CTA, but during World War II, when being German was not looked upon fondly, people began to pronounce it “Gay-thee.” This was similar to the phenomenon of men named Adolf quickly adopting new names during that era. The community purposely created an Americanized pronunciation to remove the stigma of being German. So say it how you will, just say it proud!



W. August Fiedler (1843-1903) was appointed as supervising architect for the Chicago Board of Education where he oversaw the construction of a number of schools, including Goethe. Fiedler was born in Eblin, Germany. He moved to Chicago in 1874 to participate in the post-'1871 Chicago Fire' boom reconstruction. He was a partner of the firm Addison and Fiedler, and designed the Germania Club which was close to being designating a city landmark by the Chicago Commission on Landmarks as of August 2010.


"Goethe is a hidden gem in Logan Square. All of my children have graduated with high honors and been accepted to major Chicago high schools. Even back when I attended Goethe, we out-scored other schools in the area.

~Phil J.



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