Friends Of Goethe School
November Monthly Meeting Minutes
November 3rd, 2022
In person @ 6:30pm-8:30pm Goethe School, Room 106
Quick introductions
Historic overview of what FOGS has achieved and attempted in the past; lessons learned
Prior to 2018, historically held one event a year, 7-8K raised
Added Giving Tree (Fall campaign) + Gala/ Latin Beats (Spring campaign) in 2018
Recently funded: new lighting, chairs, security systems, etc
The expansion was taken up by the same small group, leading to people being spread too thin
The current group is much larger than what we have historically seen
Committees were not as organized as they could have been, root cause of being spread too thin
Recent FOGS turnover may be a factor
Focus: make sure what we are voting on is helping the most students and is equitable
Important that spent monies is tracked, reported back to treasurer (Genevra)
FOGS needs help from teachers (Natalie, Gabby, anyone else who wants to join us) to give us an idea of what the school needs
Surveys of needs (SurveyMonkey, etc) have not been fruitful
Budget for the year’s initiatives is currently unknown
Note fiscal year follows the school year and traditionally the FOGS elections would have been at the end of the fiscal year
This means we really need a half year budget (01Nov22 – 30Jun23)
Currently 87K in the account. Ideally, we would spend an amount end of fiscal year but then to get back to baseline by end of fiscal year
The actual budget is TBD, we need to assess which projects we want to fund. (ACTION)On-going initiatives updates
Turf Update
History: Cassie and husband contacted Gabe (last year’s president) about the draining issue in the field
Cassie’s family has discussed what to do with Mr Elmasri
Artificial turn is more realistic vs natural grass
Maxwell family has met with CPS, Elmasri to see about fundraising
TIF is not an option
Alderman La Spata has called CPS on behalf of the school
Last contact with CPS was week of 24Oct, who owe us a rendering in order to get quotes. We need to get the quote in order to have a fundraising goal
Urban Initiatives is an option, as they helped fund Pulaski’s turf field
Fun Run
FOGS + Wellness committee (parents + teachers) initiative in the Spring
Goal of 20K?
This is traditionally in honor of a late phys ed teacher
Fun Run owners: Joanna, Kim + Wellness Committee
Giving Tree
Meeting immediately after this
There’s a parent initiative and a local business initiative
Parents can give money or volunteer
Giving Tree owners: Joanna, Nicole, Sara, Ashlee, Amanda
Private shopping night at Play (on the Square)
A portion of the sales can go back to Goethe – Amanda as owner. ACTION for Amanda to find out percentage and then we can bring to a vote. Can she do several days due to space constraints?
Group Brainstorm
How are we raising money this school year?
Dine and Donate - $500 to $1000 a month – Cate as owner
Goal of one restaurant per month
Maybe a postcard initiative with all the dates/ restaurants?
Merch – Mike (Cate’s husband) + Sally as owner
Not a huge money maker but a happy, mood booster
Goal of delivery by end of year
Grants – Ashley, Elizabeth, and Joanna as owners
Fun Run – As noted above
Giving Tree – As noted above
Recruitment Committee – Gaby, Cassie, Sara, Natalie, Kim
Full day PK is on the table – this meeting is on Friday (04Nov)
Open houses, tours, coffee with the principal, playgroups for littles, etc
First meeting should include Joanna, Amanda
ACTION for meeting to be set up. We need a committee owner; Sara will email everyone and see if we can get a committee owner
Fall Fest – Tabled until next year
Spring Gala/ LBOTS – Not on the agenda for this school year
Parent’s Night Out – Nicole, Genevra as owners
Ideas: Karaoke, Salsa dancing place, Revolution Brewing, silent auction
Goal of 2 by end of year
What are our spending priorities this school year?
Curriculum buckets
ACTION for Natalie to survey the teachers for what they need and then bring the list (including cost) to next meeting so we can move to vote on individual items, or see trends
Urban Initiatives - $37K for the full amount; can we set of goal of funding half of this?
Fun Run to fund this
Big ticket items from principal:
New blinds for Annex
Mini hallway libraries
Open Actions Review
Any Other Business
Next Meeting: Thursday, December 1st, 2022 in Room 106