March 16, 2022
Funding Requests
Ballet Folklorico
Have enough kids to do two classes
There would be 13 classes now, $910
May 12 will be the end of the classes and there will be a Mother’s Day show that same day
Vote for additional funding: 7-0, the vote passes
Chairs Update
Genevra - Treasurer - no update tonight, but will have one by LSC meeting
Merch - updates
About to get back order for all of the missing stuff
Caitlin - GGT
no update, just need the makeup date to that; Gabe will get in touch with Cait and loop in Amanda so she can hit the ground running with graphics
Mary - Cookbook
Need to finish the translation, but we have the raw document now
Cost will end up being $20/book; can do as little as 100; will be 5-7 business days for printing; tentative goal: by week of the Design Challenge
Joanna - Dine & Donate, Recruitment
Dine & Donate:
We had a great turnout for Irazu but only made 10% pretax from the profit (in comparison, Chipotle gave ~30%)
Consider: more consistent communications to parents about these fundraisers (especially flyers in backpacks - split in quarters, ask 8th graders to hand out during dropoff at the playground for community service, QR code on poster - make them bright colored flyers)
Parent connects are difficult right now – we need parent email addresses to be updated in Aspen
Consider: 15% minimum with partners moving forward
Wendy’s wants to partner with us, couple places on Western Ave that are locally owned
Consider: Whole Foods
Having a hard time getting responses from admin about when we can do open houses – once we get that ok, we’re going to kick off Wednesday afternoon tours
Farmers Market - Gabe, Araceli, and Lety are willing. Joanna will help with set up. If we can get Mr. Elmasri to join, that’d be great. Heath, Christian, and Karina are also willing (and will do a science activity).
Fake tattoos, coloring stuff, Goethe merch, cook book
Joanna wants to price out a Goethe branded tent for all of our events, will work with Amanda on designing; will have more info during April’s meeting
Joy - Website update
AirAuctioneer was an awesome tool for LBOTS
Pictures are going up on the website, will take down LBOTS, and put up any new content. Just email stuff over to Joy.
Heath - Design Challenge Gala & raffle for D.C. trip
Raised $800 on the Dyson hair dryer! Will be focusing on another raffle item for next month
Gala (Design Challenge)
Kids are learning every Wednesday & Friday with different STEAM-related organizations to learn more about how to incorporate equity into the Design Challenge
Please take a look at project plan to see where you might be able to lean in!
Will have a planning meeting date established ASAP and will send out communications to lots of other folks soon
Lindsay - LBOTS
What went well:
Venue was amazing and it was in the same neighborhood as the school; worked with us really well as well!
Music was great and the quality/volume was perfect
Justin’s logistics made it really easy (Mallory was great at upselling the auction items)
Cocktails were delicious
MCs were amazing!
Everyone was happy, good community builder
Food was good
We had some parents in our Latino community that we’ve never seen before!
Alumni engagement was good!
What didn’t go great:
Bartenders did not collect drink tickets, and when people were offering them, they were not taking them
Drink ticket lines were really long so people were waiting
Silent auction was a bit complicated; visibility in layout was a problem
Obtaining raffle items was rough – need to think through how to streamline and make it better
Not enough hands on deck – same few people working on the committee
What we should keep for next time:
Museum and expand it!
Promotional materials were visually stunning
Step & Repeat was cool
“What are you wearing” poll
What we should change for next time:
Make silent auction accessible from home
Provide AirAuctioneer instructions in advance
Include a website banner
Is there a way to get text messages during bidding? This is a consideration of cost.
Could we try a monitor to show the auction items next time up front?
Food and the silent auction should have been switched
Consider a $5 item pull
Find a way to bring the Stripe
Consider putting it on raffle winners to write down their info after they win
Nonprofit discounts 2-3 weeks out
Classroom art to frame for event
Need to continue pushing the inclusive – more Mexican music would have helped