Goethe Field & Playspace Renovation
For years, Goethe’s outdoor field and playspace has been plagued by extreme drainage issues resulting in an unlevel, muddy field and an eroding playground area. We're on a mission to stop the mudness with our plan to renovate the field and playspace for our beloved neighborhood school.
The Problem
Goethe’s outdoor space is impacted not only during inclement weather but also for prolonged periods thereafter. During warm weather, the field is barren, dusty, and potholed. During wet weather, the field quickly floods and becomes a mud-pit which results in students often not being allowed to even go near the field. The mud from outdoors is routinely trekked into hallways, stairways, and classrooms, creating slippery floors that cannot be adequately addressed by CPS’ janitorial services.
During cold weather, the flooding turns to ice resulting in many injuries. As a result, Admin is forced to keep students inside their classrooms during recess for numerous days following inclement weather. Furthermore, the current set-up of the field and playspace creates blind spots for recess staff, mainly near the large storage silo and rock cliff area on the northeast side of the property.
The Solution: Dream Big Design
Friends of Goethe School (FOGS) formed a Field Problem Solving Committee and the committee was connected - with architecture & civil engineering firms Burhani Design Architects and Epstein Global. Last Spring, these firms provided Goethe with pro bono drawings of how our field and playspace could be transformed into a safe, durable, and usable-year-round area for all students. Designs were shared among our teachers & staff who voted on the design that would be the best fit for our students’ needs. FOGS then held a meeting with Admin, teachers & staff to discuss the chosen favorite, their reasons why, and ideas/adjustments to consider.
The drawing chosen for our future field and playspace has been coined the “Dream Big" design.

More Info
To learn even more about this project, click through the links below.