February 9, 2022
Start 7:35
Gabe Slough Cummings
Heath Davis
Joy Tennent
Justin Hollister
Andy Distel
Lindsay Semph
Joanna Miner
M Chavez
Caitlin Sobotka
Elizabeth Leong
Amanda Eich
Genevra Knight
Funding Requests
Carnations - approved - Heath update
Program is up and running, Heath to deliver the money to Genevra to hold
Zoom request from LSC - Gabe
Genevra and Gabe working with LSC and we will have ability to run our meeting on the same link
Sports jerseys - Gabe update
Working through pricing and have sent out to our printer to put together a pricing estimate
Will go through a vote after this is completed
Flexible seating -
Nicole - survey
Heath re-created and sent from a CPS address and have been getting responses
Waiting for further results from survey prior to approving any future requests
Gabe/Genevra - Library
Everything has been received pending one piece
Genevra to follow up with Amazon to determine how to rectify the missing item
Gabe to follow up with Genevra post meeting
Mask recycling - Gabe
Seeking a mask recycling box at the school
Would seek to have Environmental Club and/or Girl Scout group to manage activity
Proposing to start with the smallest box at $90 for a one time trial period
Ballet Folkloriko - Gabe/Pamela/Maria
Pre-covid they were practicing every week and performing
They are seeing more requests for financial aid this year to help cover the cost for the instructor
Fees are $70/Session for a total of $1,470 for 21 sessions
Votes 9-0 yes to approve
Chairs Update
Genevra - Treasurer
No updated financial statements at this time, working to get updated with latest information and correct categorization
To provide next month with additional accuracy
Gabe -
All hands on deck for sponsorships
Big thanks to those who are working hard
If anyone needs help, please let us know
Focus on LBOTS then Gala
Merch - updates
New pricing/potential partner for remaining orders
What to do with previous hoodies
Old merch was a hooded t-shirt and looking to re-print
Hooded t-shirts could be sold at a lower price to make up profit while lowering the stock
New product plan - wait until previous orders are fulfilled
Being hit by supply chain issues at this point
Will seek 8th grade volunteers for future orders for easier storage
Lindsay - LBOTS
Results of survey
All hands on deck for sponsors
Most survey results were in line with our current plans
Gabe and joy working to get LBOTs on the front page
Caitlin - GGT
Still working through dates
Deciding between end of April or in June
Looking for Heath, Andy, and Pamela to help promote sign ups
Gabe to put together an email after the call to share information
Mary - Cookbook
In last round of edits and finalizing Spanish translations
One more round of proofing to follow and then moving to print
Looking around for more local/lower cost options
Joanna - Dine & Donate, Recruitment
Running Wed Feb 16th-Saturday Feb 19th at Irazu
Joy to distribute flyers to go home
Gabe to check mailbox at school for the check from Mailbox
Joy - Website update
Heath - Gala, Raffle
Dyson, MHub, Omari, MSI, Space Architects and Planners, CEO of Cross Stitch, Jones Lang Lasalle, CPS Libraries, The Plant, Project Lead the Way, etc. are workshop presenters
Heath to follow up looking for members of committee
Logan Square Chamber of Commerce offered free booth at the Farmers Market Date TBD in May