Start: 7:40
Justin Hollister
Gabe Slough Cummings
Heath Davis
Caitlin Sobotka
Rebecca Sheppard
Joy Tennent
Nicole Delesandro
Joanna Miner
Mary Nisi
Marcia Mariscal
Elizabeth Leong
Amanda Eich
Funding Requests
Ukuleles for Andy and the music program - arrived!
All delivered and have gathered pictures
Andy will provide an article for Facebook page/blog
Media Works for STEAM - all purchased?
All has been purchased and delivered with tech set up, with an Icloud and Google drive set up for administration
Tax exempt information letter sent to Genevra
To review and send to Apple
Flexible seating additions
Marcia/Library: Library Seating Request
There are additional seating requests that will need to be voted on by the group.
Total of $1,017.24 of additional seating all the same item
Approved Via vote 11-0 (approved votes below)
Justin Hollister
Joanna Miner
Joy Tennent
Nicole Delesandro
Gabe Slough Cummings
Mary Nisi
Amanda Eich
Caitlin Sobotka
Heath Davis
Lindsay Semph
Rebecca Sheppard
Jackie and Rocio: Gmail - Fwd_ FOGS_ flexible seating.pdf
Cost for 8 seats at $69.99 total of $560
Do we have feedback on previous seating and an inventory of use?
Tabled for more information on feedback
Heath recommends to send targeted emails to teachers
Mr Ramos/Heath Davis Mac Mini switch
Tabled pending Mrs. Mariscals proposal
Mrs Mariscal/Library: new tech
Current Macbook is operating under 2013 technology and will not update
School currently has approximately 200 IPads but without the Macbook, new apps cannot be pushed out
Heath recommended to push proposals off for email vote to potentially bundle with other tech request
Chairs Update
Genevra - Treasurer
Not present, budget at approximately $55K
Lindsay - LBOTS
March 11th confirmed at Stan Mansion
Rick has a timeline for outreach
Confirmed Jesse De La Pena as DJ
Confirmed band
Good participation from Alumni businesses
Next Meeting is Jan 6th
Caitlin - GGT
Auditions sign ups starting this week
Hard attendance cutoff at 150, so there could be two rounds of shows morning/later in the day to accommodate
Amanda seeking milestones via email for milestones
Mary - Cookbook
Moving ahead, waiting for Spanish translations and the foreword section.
Have seen a lot of purchases coming through the website
Joanna - Dine & Donate, Recruitment
Need to send out message post event to address volume of orders
Will know in approximately one week how much money was raised
Next in the beginning of 2022 will be at Portillos
Amanda created a poster to put up around Logan Square
Joanna to do some groundwork to distribute
Gabe has some input on locations from a group of Latino mothers to distribute
Gabe - Raffle, Annex/Field, 125/Giving Tuesday
Raffle went out today and is shareable via the link to the public
Annex/Field: Annex rebuilding should not belong to FOGS since it is capital building campaign
125/Giving Tuesday: Deadline is December 31st
3 new $50 monthly giving donations
Teachers’ Night Out: RevBrew donated the brewers room, food, and drinks on Dec 16th
Joy - Website update
Joy is working through updates
New Business
Sponsorship committee/chair: potential for combined grant writing/sponsorship role
Merch chair
New tech requests: expanding use cases - Heath/Gabe
Everyone is on the sponsorship committee: LBOTS 2022 Planner
Zoom for LSC and FOGS
Lindsay: school accountability survey
Survey will inform the new school rating system, Lindsay to share to take this to provide input
Event/Fundraising Proposals
STEAM Gala - Heath
Gala would take place Saturday May 21st
400 maximum people with estimated 350 people
Fundraising Goal of $20,000. Chicago Architecture Center and mHUB would share content
Spending budget of $5,000
Catered cost of $4,000
Per plate cost of $10.00
Drink vendor option would need to be arranged and only available to sponsors
Security could potentially be required on a volunteer basis.
Money would be housed by FOGS for STEAM purchases
Providing STEAM workshops, technology requests
Approved Via vote 8-0 (approved votes below)
Justin Hollister
Joanna Miner
Joy Tennent
Nicole Delesandro
Gabe Slough Cummings
Mary Nisi
Amanda Eich
Lindsay Semph
Heath to work with website team to develop content
8th Grade Raffle - Heath (finalizing Q&A from 11/10)
Monthly raffle
Approved Via vote 8-0 (approved votes below)
Justin Hollister
Joanna Miner
Joy Tennent
Nicole Delesandro
Gabe Slough Cummings
Mary Nisi
Amanda Eich
Lindsay Semph
To add to the agenda post March 11th to summarize lessons learned
Meeting End 9:35