January 9th, 2022
In person @ 6:30 Goethe School, Room 106
Joanna Miner, President
Kim Kappelman, Vice President 1
Nicole Dalesandro, Vice President 2
Sara McCradden, Secretary
Genevra Knight, Treasurer
Ashlee Villanti, Board Member
Gabrielle Goodstein, Board Member
Cassie Maxwell, Board Member
Elizabeth Leong, Board Member
Caitlin Sobotka, Board Member
Lindsey Good
Amanda Bull
Bob Flores
Andrew Distell
Amanda Eich
Quick Joanna updates (more to be in the notes than to be discussed)
Urban initiatives will be paid shortly (18K)
Rug bought for 4th grade classroom with new teacher
Ink for central printer
Loose plan is that FOGS will fund one round for ink but Mr. Elmasri has a pathway moving forward
Request that committees to meet and email updates
Geek squad charge came through this week for $400 for an unknown reason
ACTION for Joanna to look into this
Mr. Distal accompanist request - $750 requested https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1OhNsPqksXwsTRmY8qNFDBTJWMqtc8CGuTPAMyQ1Nedo/edit?usp=sharing
FUNDING VOTE: 10 yay, 0 nay
Mr. Distal is researching potential risers for assemblies. Potential vendors are Wenger or StageRight. Looking to accommodate about 40 kids. ACTION for him to come back next meeting with quotes
Gratis acupuncture service for teachers on Feb 3rd, sponsored by Five Points
Giving Tree Updates: approximately 20K raised!
Currently funded at around 80K
SNAP! Connect push to all school with upcoming newsletter. ACTION for Nicole to work on newsletter, Joanna to post to SNAP
ACTION to have shifts for parent teacher conferences to have them sign up for FOGS
Field Problem Solving Committee - Cassie
Phase 1 of contract signed (pro bono)
Cassie will be presenting to LSC on Thursday, Jan 12th
When pro bono drawings come in, school will host an ad hoc meeting to discuss with the architects present
Tax letter to all donors over $250 in 2022
ACTION Genevra to send Sara Excel list of all donors, Sara to write tax letter (send to Genevra for approval), Amanda to update letterhead and then complete mail merge
Fun Run ACTION reminder: All Board members to think of 5 businesses to solicit for the Fun Run. Please your businesses here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qGWsi7cfMHh7ZjwAMU1dwKhJlSg0ztkqYQ7Xv2ocag0/edit#gid=438596409
Dine and Donate update
Portillo's event raised $250
Next event is tomorrow at Chiptole on Elston ACTION for Amanda Bull to send out on SNAP
Funding protocols and Budget buckets
Health and Wellness
20K already spent on UI
Capital Improvements
Educational Enrichment
Community Outreach
We currently have 60K in the bank (after we pay for UI) and we are comfortable spending another 40K through the end of the year