September 4, 2024; 6:30pm Library
2023-2024 Board Members
Joanna Miner Thomas - President
Thomas Rodriquez - Board Member
Mari Fair - Board Member
Kim Kappelman - VP
Sara McCradden - Secretary
Elizabeth Leong - Board Member
Andrew Distel - Board Member
Ashlee Vallanti - Board Member
Amanda Eich - Board Member
Other Attendees:
Ms Rosales
Jon Vieve
Welcome & Introductions of Board Members (10min)
Updates on summer initiatives
Recruitment committee updates - Mari (3 min)
In collaboration with Mr Elmasri, all went well and within budget
Ms. Vazquez’s online subscription to a math manipulatives program for grades 1-3 @ $269.00
Purchased with President funds
Ms. Rosales requested two flexible chairs and a document camera for her classroom @ $162.00
Purchased with President funds
“Stop the Mudness”- Ashley (5min)
Raised 2.8M of approximately 3M
Meeting between CPS and Mr Elmasri are ongoing
Indoor wayfinding signage
This is earmarked but not yet paid, vendor is working on logistics along with Mr Elmasri
Money spent for this WILL NOT come out of SY25 budget unless the final quote is above what was approved last year ($5600). The difference would come out of SY25 budget
Goethe Gear Spirit Store is open! Mari (1 min)
Ongoing and Future initiatives
Door 6 fix - Joanna (less than 1 min)
Dine and Donate - Joanna (1 min)
Portillo’s Sept 26th
Chipotle Nov. 13th
Snack attack- Amanda (2 min)
One grade level per month to sponsor snacks for the teachers
Goethe Fest -
Do we have the manpower for this?
Mari to own, delegate to helpers
Helpers: Sara McCradden, Kim Kappelman, Joanna Miner Thomas, Thomas Rodriquez,
Proposed date: Saturday, Oct 12th or Sunday 13. (Friday Jewish holiday, Monday no school) (will a lot of families be out of town?)
Alternatives - movie night?
Budget for 2024/25 proposal and vote - Elizabeth (budget updates from last year), (5-10 min) - APPROVED 8 to 0
Capital Improvements: $27,750
Academic Enrichment & SEL: $27,750
Field Trips: $9990
Classroom and Teacher Support: $ 7700
General Operating Expenses: $9990
Principal's Discretion: $2200
School and Community Building Events: $16,650
Reserves: $8880
Preparing for new FOGS Board
Discussion of committees
Explanation of the voting process that will take place at the next meeting
Questions and Answer