Goethe’s Got Talent is coming back for its second year, and it’s IN-PERSON!
We are so excited for our live showcase of the talent of our students from all grade levels! In addition to music, dance, and comedy performances, This year's GGT will be showcasing Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. Our Goethe's Got Talent event will also be hosting a gallery for visual art submissions and a poetry slam in Mrs. Vahle's room!
Sign up forms can be found here
Important Dates:
May 27th @ 5pm: Deadline for Live Performance Sign Up Audition time sign ups will go out via email on May 27th
May 31 - June 2: In-Person Auditions (after school from 2:50pm - 4pm
June 3rd: Visual art & STEAM submissions due
June 10th: Dress rehearsal for all participants
The Main Event!:
June 11th: Goethe's Got Talent Event, 10:00am - 12:30pm
More Information:
We will be hosting 5 minute auditions for the live performances - Stay tuned for a rescheduled date!