Friends of Goethe Board and Team Chair Nominations for
2017-2018 School Year
Friends of Goethe School (FOGS) is a group of parents, friends and neighbors working together to make Goethe Elementary a better school for everyone in the community. We best support Goethe with a strong team. The Friends of Goethe nominating committee is actively soliciting people to sit on the board and hold team chair positions for the 2017-2018 school year. Team chair positions do not require being on the Friends of Goethe board position. The full list of positions we are accepting nominations for is listed below.
The goal of the nominating committee is to enlist the talents of as many as possible Goethe parents, friends, and family. The nominating committee’s responsibility is to consider all persons interested in a particular position. Please review the attached information and indicate any positions that you may be interested in fulfilling. You may also wish to recommend someone you think would be an ideal recruit for a particular office.
Please complete the nominating form by
Friday July 7, 2017.
Frequently asked questions and descriptions of the positions are listed below. If you have any questions, please contact Mindy Hilt.
Friends of Goethe Board Member or Team Chair FAQ:
Who can serve?
Men, women, parents, grandparents, teachers, staff, and members of the community can serve as a board member or team chair. You do not have to have a student at Goethe to serve.
Good candidates for Friends of Goethe board members and team chairs are adults who:
See a need and want to help.
Work collaboratively to find solutions.
Reflect and embrace the diversity of the school community.
Create a climate of support and mutual respect.
Delegate responsibility.
Train and encourage new leaders.
What is required financially of a FOGS member?
There is no financial requirement for board membership or chairing a team.
Friends of Goethe Board Descriptions
Presides at monthly meetings, has the power to sign contracts authorized by the board, supervises and controls the day-to-day affairs and management of friends of Goethe. Helps set strategic priorities for the year in coordination with Goethe administration and staff. Coordinates the work of the officers and teams.
Vice President1:
Acts as an aide to the president performs duties of the President in the absence or inability of that officer to act.
Vice President2:
Acts as an aide to the president performs duties of the President in the absence or inability of that officer to act.
Manages the funds of the association. Keeps an accurate and detailed account of all monies received and paid out. Receives all monies for all accounts and deposits into bank. Pays by check all bills as authorized by the President. Submits a financial report at monthly meetings. Prepares an annual financial report. Assists in preparing the annual tax return (form 990) and filing form with the IRS.
Attends monthly meetings to take notes and post minutes, coordinates all communication activities executed by the communication chair and is the custodian of non-profit records.
Communications/Social Media Chair:
Maintains Friends of Goethe school communications pieces including website, Facebook, and email/listserv. Leads annual collection and updating of contact information for Goethe families. Works with secretary to coordinate communication with Goethe teachers and administration.
Recruitment Chair:
Leads back to school welcome activities for new families. Works with president to distribute Friends of Goethe welcome letter to Goethe families at start of school year. Builds relationship with Bilingual Advisory Committee/No Child Left Behind and other parent groups. Develops and updates volunteer list for Friends of Goethe events (i.e. Quenchers, Remix, etc.) and Goethe activities (i.e. help at assemblies, the book fair, etc.)
Grants Chair:
The grant writing group works with the school administration and the Goethe community to identify funding needs that can be achieved through outside funds. The preferred skills to be a part of the grant writing team are enthusiasm, interest in doing research, and organizational skills. Grant writing experience a plus but not necessary. The group meets in person from time to time but largely communicates and works via email.
Events Chair:
The events team leads Friends of Goethe’s annual fundraising events including the spring Quenchers Karaoke fundraiser and securing volunteers. The team develops and maintains relationships with local businesses. They work closely with the network building/recruitment chair to secure necessary volunteers for events and with the communications chair to promote events.
Community Relationships Chair:
The community relationships team develops and maintains relationships with local businesses. They work closely with the recruitment chair to secure necessary volunteers for events and with the communications chair to promote events.