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Graduation Ceremony


The Full Story

On June 15th our 8th Grade team plans to host a luncheon for our graduating class of 2021. We plan to  provide a morning and afternoon jam-packed with recreation, lunch, and awards.


Our 2021 luncheon for 8th Grade graduates will include multiple events taking place at Haas Park. Events will  commence at 9:00 a.m. including, but not limited to, knockerball, human foosball, velcro soccer darts,  connect four basketball, and pong stations. Following three hours of open recreation we will serve Chipotle  boxed meals to our scholars. To finish our luncheon we will conclude with an awards ceremony to honor our  youthful bucket fillers. Throughout our special day we will be providing bottled water and snacks purchased  from Costco. 


For this year’s luncheon to happen we are asking 8th Grade families to donate to the Friends of Goethe  School. At this time we are requesting $2,000 to fund our luncheon event, which amounts to approximately  $25 a student. With FOGS’s financial and organizational support we plan to provide graduates with recreation  facilitated by Knockerball Chicago, lunch boxes from Chipotle, & snacks and water purchased from Costco.  By providing students these items we hope to send them off with their buckets full. 

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