May 12, 2021
Start Time: 7:36pm
Board Members Present
Angie Yarusso
Andy Distel
Mary Nisi
Lindsay Semph
Jamie Militello
Nicole Dalesandro
Amanda Bull
Intro & welcome
Follow Up On Actions from last meeting
Tech PD continues to happen at Goethe around the TV’s and is being received well
How do we integrate Spanish speaking families into FOGS activities and ongoing conversation?
Revolution Brewing Meeting - Mary connected with Rev Brew team and they would love to support us. We need to come up with something to propose to them. Is there something with the Cookbook?
Could they do a big merch order for us (yard signs, banners, shirts, etc)?
What can we do to incorporate the greater community? Nicole will think on this.
Appreciation Days -
Finance Update - Genevra
Consider some of the fundraisers other schools are doing as options for us
Goethe Garden Program - Amanda Bull
Huu is handing the gardening reins over to Lisa Short. Do we have any garden program funds from a run last year?
Nicole: no because of COVID; unsure what is still earmarked.
Need to ask Genevra what’s still there
Initiatives Status /Updates:
Cookbook Committee - Mary
Cookbook creation - Rick connected us to a designer who finished the content and design of the book
Next Steps
Get the designer the missing photos
Proofread the book - Mary and Amanda will do the English side, looking for someone to proof the Spanish side
Will post on Facebook to get more families to help -- goal: find 10 people to do 10 pages each
Decide on when to sell it (by end of year? Holiday gifts?) - can always contact 8th grade families later; would need to order in 3 weeks to pick up last week of school but we’d need to promote ASAP; can do this twice -- put it out now and order a second round for the holidays
Joanna will write the dedication to Barb
Schedule promotion (website, social media posts)
Vote: Angie donated $1500 to cover the design fees and sent the donation through FOGS. Transaction went through on 5/10.
Motion: Angie
2nd: Jamie
6-0 vote yes; motion passes
STEAM - Angie
Fundraising event will be June 5, 2021
Mary will play music between presentations
Need to start selling tickets to the virtual event
Presentations will be live and event will be virtual
Anyone know someone who can create a recap video of this for us? The STEAM partner workshops have been incredible and the kids are coming up with amazing ideas.
Walk Bike Run A-Thon - Andy
Will set up for beginning of next school year, think: Back to School Bash
Start planning now
Funding Requests
Mr. Lambert - Volleyball nets
Can’t have the kind that go into the floor -- Facilities said no
Jamie will ask Mr. Lambert to come to June FOGS meeting to discuss with the board to ensure we’re making the best possible choices
It Was suggested that FOGS give us the money, we internally hold it and apply it to the Programs we need to cover that we drew from to pay the people.
The programs are two ON Line programs for instructional support that cover all subjects in both English and Spanish. When the check is written we need a letter that would say, we are giving $7,000.00 to be used for Educational and differentiated curricular resources to support curriculum for grades K-8.
FOGS needs more context from admin on what these programs are; Angie will let Barb know and we can put this to an email vote