January 13, 2021
Meeting start: 7:33pm
Board attendees:
Angie Yarusso
Andy Distell
Lindsay Semph
Jamie Militello
Amanda Bull
Hillary Scharmann
Joanna Miner
Nicole Dalesandro
Intro & welcome
Follow Up On Actions from last meeting
Website updates
Website Spanish Translation: COMPLETE - Thanks J Adams Oaks - Andy’s referral. Lori will update the site next week
Automated emails are the next project to tackle.
Goethe’s Got Talent - Spanish Speaking translator - MC needed; Goethe’s Got Talent has been a great connector to our Spanish-speaking community!
Angie will ask Miss Karina to be the Spanish MC
How do we integrate spanish speaking families into FOGS activities more
Need to start with more relationship-building; translating our website is a huge step; the love we share for our children has helped build community
Planning kids game night will be another step toward building that sense of community
Plan more partnership things like Wendy’s night to create more opportunities for genuine conversation; find a way to bring back bingo after COVID; more in-person fun family-geared events after COVID
Goethe Marquee Pricing - Jamie
2 quotes from area vendors but it’ll be ~$25k-$30k. Would need ½ down first.
Angie will share with Barb and Nader; FOGS should push out a survey first to ensure this is something the Goethe community would want
Collect a list of things we want to showcase FOGS has contributed to the school to update copy on website - Nicole & Genevra
Barb’s Wish List - request to have someone on Barb’s team to provide specific requests.
Waiting to get list of specific needs
Finance Update - Genevra
Financial Update
Cash is up due to:
$8,535 received from the Facebook campaign. $2,500 of that is earmarked for STEAM. -- no match from Facebook though
$450 deposited for Goethe’s Got Talent tickets
Total of $140,800 in cash as of today
Monthly Expenditures
Mostly due to Goethe’s Got Talent – customized snack boxes and other misc supplies - $1,756
Small amounts for QuickBooks subscription and transaction processing fees for Paypal/Stripe deposits
Initiatives Status /Updates:
Cookbook Committee - Mary
Recipes submitted -- need more! Send out an email asking for more recipes in certain areas, add more social media
Next Steps
yearbook company seems the best way to go
Ads likely too complicated so let’s not do that
Where can FOGS members help
Goethe’s Got Talent - Angie
31 performers (music, dance, comedy, & magic)
12 visual artists (2 submitted work)
56 Virtual tickets reserved
$650 in ticket donations
Snack Packs are available - only sold 30
Snack Pack Challenge - Hillary
Take a selfie in front of snack pack table -- students challenging other students, tag for friends, neighbors, etc
Unboxing on social media
Snack Pack Assembly #2 - Sunday at Ampersand NEED VOLUNTEERS
New Annex Building - Amanda - promote letter on social media
Recruitment - Joanna - working on sending emails
STEAM - Angie - no update
Walk Bike Run A-Thon - Andy - going to start thinking things through
Goethe Game Night - Derek - after the talent show, will start gearing up; Angie will lean in more; House Party app is definitely the way to go because it coordinates everything virtually and all games are already there
Goethe Fest - Rick & Derek - on hold
Apparel Design & Merch Shop - Hillary - will have outline in February
Solidarity Fund - $1,561.21
Donated funds to Delivered boxes of groceries to 25 families the week on 12/21/2020
FOGS Funding Requests For Approval:
6th, 7th, & 8th grade Science Lab kits
Angie proposes to vote to approve
Nicole seconds
Vote passes: 8-0
2020 Donors Thank You Letter:
Can someone write the letter? - Joanna will take this on
Need Help With:
Please help drive social engagement on our posts - like, comment and share
Snack Pack Assembly
Snack Pack Social Media Challenge - if you use #GGTCHALLENGE and #SNACKTASTIC, will get entered into a raffle to win a Goethe swag bag
Close - 8:44pm