8pm - 9pm, virtually: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7233549479
Justin Hollister
Lindsay Semph
Joanna Miner
Natalie Toro
Ashlee Villanti
Genevra Knight
Gabrielle Goodstein
Sara McCradden
Kimberly Kappelman
Nicole Delesandro
Tim Maxwell
Andrew Distel
Elizabeth Leong
Amanda Eich
Joy Tennent
Start 8:00PM
Treasurer’s Update - Genevra
Initiated transfer from Paypal and will after that have ~$87K in the bank account
Approximately $4-5K more than last month
Joanna got a notice from Amazon Smiles
These are deposited right into the account and last deposit was $128 in September
There is approximately $2000 coming from Amazon Smile, Genevra to monitor as it comes through.
Recent Initiatives Updates
Quick merch update - Joanna
Camila Taglia and Becky Alvarez have outstanding orders
Joana to send names to Nicole and she will do an extra level of reach out
Snack Attack update - Amanda/Lindsay
Put together a flyer and it was put on connects today, snack
Parents Night Out update - Nicole
Held first one at Navigator taproom 2 weeks ago
Had a good turnout of at least 50 people
Successful event that allowed a good reconnection between parents
Received $134 from Navigator Taproom
Could we at future events have a potential donation bin?
Also could do a silent auction or otherwise
Potential to send a follow up email with a donation prompt
LSC approval would be required for anything fundraising
Amanda mentioned that babysitting aspect was a great success
Additional items
Do we have a designed thank you note for donations to each donation?
Joy mentioned that Wix sends an automated email
This can be updated in the future as well
T-Shirt sponsorship thank you notes should be sent out
Joanna can do the admin work and Sara will take the design
Funding Proposals
Program license renewal - Andy Distel
Soundtrap license was sponsored by FOGs last year
Students are continuing to use the software
$1,087 spent last year for licenses
Seeking same amount ~$1,100 for subscriptions this year
Approved 7-0 proposal passes
Andy to connect with Genevra on purchasing
Cookbook proposal - Amanda & Joanna
95% complete with editing at this point with one additional session
Sitting with an individual to work through the final Spanish version
Received a quote for 200 total books for $4,855 ($24.28 per book)
Proposing to sell at $35 per and the profit at that point would be $2,000
Break even point would be 139 books, have already sold 14 books at $30
Estimate a first week of November completion which would be a full print before orders are received
Can we do some sort of gauge of the community?
Need to work on advertising
Could we do an event around the cookbook/potluck event?
Voting for approval for 100 cookbooks at $25.70
Approved 7-0 proposal passes
Board Election! (30 minutes)
Nominee introductions
Nominee / current board question time
Board Voting
Joanna Miner: President
6-0 Approved
Kimberly Kappelman: Vice President 1
7-0 Approved
Nicole Delasandro: Vice President 2
6-0 Approved
Sara McCradden: Secretary
7-0 Approved
Genevra Knight: Treasurer
6-0 Approved
Vote held for the following members that was 7-0 approved:
Natalie Toro: Board Member
Ashlee Villanti: Board Member
Gabrielle Goodstein: Board Member
Cassie Maxwell: Board Member
Elizabeth Leong: Board Member
Amanda Eich: Board Member
Caitlin Sobotka (not present): Board Member
Annual appeal for fundraising for $20K for a November messaging on Giving Tuesday
Ashlee volunteered to provide writing assistance and could use a group of four.
Amanda Eich volunteered for this group
Ashlee and Nicole to connect post meeting
Can we do a giving time/volunteer or Amazon Smile for someone who does not have ability to give?
11-0 vote was approved.
Next Steps
Next meeting date in November will be Thursday November 3, 2022 at 6:30 PM at the school. Proposed for Mrs.Toro’s room.
Aim for general meetings on first Thursday of each month
Note that LSC meetings are the second Thursday of each month
Joanna will email out FOGs 101 and bylaws and open for questions next meeting
End of Meeting 9:35 PM