Participate in FOGS Activities
Translate written materials into Spanish, Polish
Are you bilingual? We are in need of a group of people that can translate written documents -typically a page or shorter -- from English into Spanish or Polish. If this sounds like a way you'd like to help Goethe, let us know by emailing
Attend the Friends of Goethe School Monthly Meetings
FOGS holds monthly meetings to plan upcoming events and discuss new ways to support the school. Check the FOGS Facebook page for the schedule. We typically meet the 3rd Monday of every month at the school or nearby location.
Participate in the Goethe Garden Club
The Goethe Garden Club works to improve and maintain the gardens at Goethe School. There are two primary gardening events, one in the spring and one in the fall, where we seek 15-20 volunteers and plant donations. Regular volunteers are needed to weed and water throughout the summer. To join our garden club, please email
Collect Box Tops for Education, Campbell's Soup Labels, and Tyson Box Top's It's easy to help raise money for Goethe Elementary by collecting Box Tops for Education and Campbell's Soup Labels. Please check the products you already buy and clip the labels for Goethe. There are Box Tops on dozens of everyday products from cereal to toilet paper to tomato soup! Just drop off your collected Box Tops in the clear container that sits on the Security Guard's desk inside the front door of the Annex Building (the smaller silver building on the south side of the school). Leverage your collecting power by asking friends, family, and colleagues to collect Box Tops and Soup Labels with you. Click here for a sample message
Volunteer at Goethe
Goethe Parent Patrol
The Parent Patrol force helps keep order on school grounds and works to ensure student safety. The Parent Patrol provides supervision on the playground from 8:15 am until entrance is complete at 8:45 am. The group also patrols from 2:25 pm to 2:45 pm. Information is provided at Open House Back to School Night, and flyers are sent home with children with additional information and instructions on how to participate.
Lunchroom and Recess Volunteers
Goethe needs volunteers for the supervision of the lunch and recess periods. Children are not allowed to accompany the volunteer. If you are available to be a lunchroom or recess volunteer on a regular basis, please contact FOGS.
Volunteering in the Classroom
Goethe welcomes and appreciates any time parents can volunteer in the classroom. To read parents’ descriptions of their classroom volunteer experience, click here.
Volunteer Guidelines and Requirements
Sign in and out at the security desk each visit.
Report to the location without interrupting other instruction.
Report on time because the teacher and students are counting on you.
Call the office if you need to cancel.
Be discreet. Treat all information as confidential. Refrain from sharing student/school information outside of the school setting.
Remember the teacher is in charge—you may need to adjust to the classroom policies and climate.
Remember a volunteer is never considered a substitute for a member of the school staff.
If you volunteer more than five hours a week at Goethe, you must have a tetanus shot and TB test. Necessary forms are available at the security desk inside the main door in the annex.
Participate in Goethe Parents' Groups
Friends of Goethe School
Welcome to our website! Friends of Goethe School is a Logan Square and West Bucktown group of parents, friends, and neighbors working together to make Goethe Elementary a better school for everyone in Chicago. Click here to learn more about FOGS.
Local School Council
Each Chicago Public School has a Local School Council (LSC) to help conduct the school's operations. The LSC's primary responsibilities include approving how funds and resources are allocated, developing and monitoring the annual school improvement plan, and evaluating and monitoring the school’s principal. To read a LSC members’ first-hand account of participating in the LSC, click here. The CPS website provides more information on LSCs, including how to check your LSC eligibility and to find the requisite forms.
No Child Left Behind Parent Advisory Committee (NCLB/PAC) Bilingual Advisory Council (BAC)
The NCLB PAC and Bilingual Advisory Council are both designed to provide opportunities for parents and guardians to participate with the principal and staff to assess local school needs and to promote a more positive learning environment in the community. The NCLB Parent Committee and Bilingual Advisory Council both have three officers (President, Vice President, and Secretary) that are elected each year. The Parent Committee and BAC hold combined monthly meetings open to the public and advertised to the school through flyers sent home with children. Suggested topics are discussed at the beginning of the year, voted on by Parent Committee members, and a schedule for the year is laid out.
The NCLB Parent Committee has responsibility for setting the meeting topics and determining how to spend the NCLB funds earmarked for parent education and outreach designed to enhance parent-child interactions and impact students’ academic success. The Parent Committee and BAC officers also attend a monthly CPS meeting and are charged with bringing information back to the Goethe PAC.
Each group sponsors events during the school year and provides additional assistance to the school on an as-needed basis. The BAC sponsors the Holiday Bazaar and Mother's Day Shopping Day. NCLB hosts the annual Holiday and Mother's Day programs.

"My daughter loves her friends, her teachers, and the staff at Goethe. I couldn’t be more pleased. Parents are actively involved, friendly, and great to work with. The class is diverse in so many ways and full of delightful kids that I’m happy to have my daughter learn from."
~ Sue T.

"I hope that more people decide to send their kids to Goethe. Involved parents can do wonderful things to and for a school."
~ Seth S

"Goethe has the top teachers and a great leader. Teachers at Goethe care! I believe this is the key to Goethe’s success. My daughter graduated with honors and was accepted to Whitney Young High School, one of the top high schools in the city."
~ Iris C